手巻きダンス&ミュージック プレスリリースのお知らせ!
TEMAKI.JP · 03-04-2022
株式会社ラック(本社:埼⽟県川⼝市、代表取締役:藤⽥祐志)は、世界中が新型コロナウイルス感染症による⾏動制限の解除を⾏っていく流れの中、⽇本の⾷品で世界中の⼈達を笑顔にする為に何ができるかを考えました。そこで、これまで⼤切な友達や親類に会えない⽇々が続いたからこそ、⼀緒に料理ができて、誰もが好きな素材を好きなように楽しみ、そして⼀緒にいられ ることへの喜びを分かち合い、感謝を伝えられる・・・、私達⽇本⼈なら誰もが知っている「⼿巻き寿司」=「おもてな しエンターテインメント」を世界中に広めるための手巻き寿司キットを販売します。そして今回、ブランデッドコンテンツ創作会社であるビジネスアーティスト集団株式 会社GEKI(本社:東京都⽬⿊区、代表取締役:作左部 ⼒)と協⼒し、歌とダンスで想いを伝えるブランデッドムービー を制作しました。 2022年2⽉17⽇(⽊)よりYOUTUBEにて公開します。 【URL】 https://youtu.be/9zM8A3PZDGw

Do you know what kind of kitchen knives are used in Japan? Introducing recommended kitchen knives by scene
TEMAKI.JP · 11-11-2021
What kind of kitchen knives are the mainstream in your country? In this article, I will introduce the kitchen knives that are often used in Japan. There may be a knife that is different from your country.

What is a shamoji? Introducing the origin and recommended materials! How to use a spoon to eat rice
TEMAKI.JP · 11-11-2021
In this article, we will introduce the origin of such "shamoji" and recommended materials when choosing shamoji.

How many soy sauces are delicious for hand-rolled sushi? Explanation of the types and how to enjoy soy sauce
TEMAKI.JP · 11-11-2021
In this article, we will introduce the three types of soy sauce that are often used for hand-rolled sushi and the characteristics of each.

What is the difference between tenugui and handkerchief? Introducing convenient usage of tenugui!
TEMAKI.JP · 11-11-2021
In this article, we will introduce in detail the difference between tenugui and handkerchiefs and how to use them uniquely.

Why chopsticks in Asia vary from country to country! Is it only in Japan that you have your own chopsticks?
TEMAKI.JP · 11-11-2021
In this article, we will introduce the reasons and characteristics of chopsticks in Asia that vary from country to country.

What is “winding”? It is that item which is convenient to use when making hand-rolled sushi
TEMAKI.JP · 11-11-2021
In this article, we will tell you more about how to use "winding" and the items that can be used as a substitute. We will also introduce dishes that can be made using a roll sushi, so please feel free to enjoy it at home.

What is the origin of “Happi”? When to use?
TEMAKI.JP · 11-11-2021
In this article, we will tell you about the history of the coat. We will also introduce how coats are used today. If you like coats, please try incorporating them into your life.

Why do beckoning cats raise their right and left hands? Explain the meaning and benefits of each
TEMAKI.JP · 11-11-2021
Then, has anyone noticed that the hand raised by the beckoning cat is the right hand and the time when the left hand is held? In this article, we will introduce the origin of the beckoning cat and the meaning of the hand.

What is Washi? Introducing how to make and use japanese paper “Washi” from ancient times.
TEMAKI.JP · 11-11-2021
In this article, we will introduce in detail what beautiful paper "Washi" is transmitted to Japan. I will tell you about how to make Washi and how to use it, so please learn more about Japanese traditions.
